The blog is an online publication with public texts. They will appear in a backward chronological order, so, the last publication is the first that you will see in the screen. A blog contains a system of opinions.
An intensive use of links to the others blogs aqnd websites for further information is a characteristic of a blog. Citing sources, or continuing with them that began in another blog.
The goal of the blog is getting more subscribers, plain and simple. Each subscriber is a person who adds his/her address, becomes one of your mews readers, returns and is "faithful" to your blog, and keeps track of your updates.
The blog consists of putting issues on which readers can writer their comments and the author answer them, so it is possible to establish a dialogue.
However, it is necessary to clarify that this is an option that depends on the decision made about the author of the blog, because blogs can design tools in which not all Internet users-or even none, can participate by adding comments. The use or topic of each blog is unique about type: journalism, business, corporate, technological, politicians, personal or educational (edublogs).
Sánchez Telles Susana Ajael
Martínez Romero CInthya Osiris
González López Lexie Lizeth
There are many tools that allow to maintain a blog, many of them are free of charge and without high technical skills, manage the entire Weblog, coordinate, delete or rewrite the articles, moderate comments form readers.
A number of common elements to all blogs are:
Comments Links
Caballero García Carlos Alberto
García Tellez Brian David
Correa Carballo Miguel Angel
Valdez Juárez Eduardo Salvador
Barillas Olvera Gerardo
Steps to creat a Blog:
Creating a Bblog is not easy but not impossible. Here are some of the most important steps you can take a Blog.
1.- Choose a theme for your Blog:
This is the first decision you must make, and you can pick a topic that is easy to explain in the Blog.
2.-Choose a good name for your Blog:
Look out for if the name another blog, and if it is registered you can register it soon as posible.
3.-Choose a platform for your blog:
It is very important to take into account the blogging platforms, there are several platforms that you can choose to see all and the one you like.
4.-Choose a template for the Blog:
When you´ve chosen the blog platform for you to choose a pattern for it, and the Internet has myraid of patterns that you can use.
5.-Choose your frequency of publication:
It is one of the most important factors when you begin to publish, you should do it regular bassis so your readers know what to expect from you. If you start posting alot and then leave it a time out you may have trouble with readers and probably will no return.
6.-Always on the Blogsphere:
Vsiti sites, join online social communites and interact with otehr bloggers.
7.-Write clearly interesting articles in your Blog:
If you do this you will have a future in the blogsphere and have a large a mount of followers.
Urban Ríos Isai Elisua
Urban Ríos Isai Elisua
Saucedo Muñoz Indra Jatziri
García Escalona Moyses Alfonso
Valdez Olvera Iliana Karen
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